Sunday, May 30, 2010

Final Presentation - May 29 2010

Dear Visitor

During the day the presentations of the Architectural Mutations Bachelor class of 2010 was held in the so called Full-scale lab; some things received positive critique, some negative, some things received constructive critique some did not. But all the project truly did inspire the jury to discuss everything between heaven and earth.

Thank you honourable jury!

Yours Sincerely
Peter Andrén

These sections were designed to describe the atmospheric conditions in each of the different spaces and also let these conditions correspond to each of the detail render-collages from earlier in the process.

Earlier render-collage got a well deserved revival

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4D Concept Development Workshop by Erick Carcamo & Nefeli Chatzimina

The short film format was once again used to help the students clarify their concept and ideas and also fortify and refine it, giving the project a more present narrative.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fictitious Sections by Volcan Alkanoglu and Jennifer Bonner

Fictitious Sections can be used primarily to describe function, concept and atmosphere rather than logical constructional detail or measurements, and also challenge these current/older conceptions.

First hand storytelling - interior and exterior perspective views, image below describes the circulation.

Interior and exterior close-ups

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Program and Communications

Water breaking free from a bursting container of glass. A mass that is moving; wirling, folding and wirling; mass breaking up into many layers.
The repetition and form adaption of the different structural components help discribe the size of aperatures, internal and external, while the need of aperature overrules the density of the structural system.
Colour scheme contrast sharply from the context, but is not the strongest feature, nor should it be in submission.

End of Phase 4

This are some examples of how the results of the Maya Sculpting Tutorial and MASS & CRUST Studies were translated into my idea of the Project:

Phase 4: HUE & DETAIL - mass & crust by Julia Keorner & Florencia Pita

First week was all about developing our abilities in free digital sculpting using Maya software. Using any reference available depicting the MASS concept we got on with interpreting that reference until the next morning, then letting it evolve until pin-up the morning after that, then doing the same thing with CRUST. Finally the two met in the end creating at least some kind of structural system, at best a whole actual building shell to add to the site after modifying the body and the detailing to behave accordingly to program area of 65 by 65 meters.

Day 1 - grasping NERB based digital sculpting

Phase 3: Concept and Atmosphere

The five days labelled Bed Rum on the time plan were dedicated for personalising ideas about the project that until now had been a group matter. Among other important things, defining scale and atmosphere was a major part of this individual workshop and could be achieved by adding familiar architectural elements, also making it readable as a building, and as custom often requires; humans. Also, lighting and colour palette are of course important for communicating atmosphere.

Covered plaza underneath the atriums

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Phase 2: Materialising

The so far only digital an still generally abstract ideas around the project were now being the conceptual base for a physical model. The group I got involved with for this assignment had investigated refraction, reflection transparency among other phenomena. Together we created something very heavy. With plastic prefab cellular components, cast gelatin and plaster, transparent plastic sheets and four thick bolts we tried to describe these optical phenomena, and also how they are affected by movement of the spectator.

Phase 1: Site Analysis and Syntheses

This was an alternative and in my point of view very successful method of analysing any context. It demands much more of the person(s) conducting the investigation and, if made well, stimulates a second party to a generally higher degree.

To get started, I drew a lot of my inspiration from the formations and co-operation of the multiple agents of swarming animals, supposedly programmed the same way and how they when threatened form immense almost architectural masses. The image above illustrates the density of the potential and desired communication paths of a generic biulding.